ministry team
St Margaret’s is blessed to have a rich tradition of faithful leaders and ministry volunteers who have intentionally sacrificed for the needs of others.
Fr. Brad Mathias
Sixth Rector with St. Margaret of Scotland
Fr. Brad Mathias and wife Paige.
Father Brad Mathias and his wife Paige relocated in 2019 from the Nashville TN area to New England in an effort to better serve the needs of the Anglican church. Once installed here, its fair to say they bring some southern heritage to our New Hampshire parish! Married for over thirty-three years, they are the parents of three grown children and five grandchildren. Pastor Brad has a long time love of the outdoors and exploring in the wilderness, while Paige enjoys the discovery of new treasures in the local antique stores and the serenity of country life.
Both Fr. Brad and Paige have a vision for inspiring and supporting a new generation of Christians. As a part of the Diocese of the North East, Fr. Brad serves as the Digital Content Coordinator for the DNE and as Canon to the Bishop Ordinary. Fr Brad also helps in the local community as the Chaplain for the American Legion post 46 of Conway NH and is an active board member of Whitehorse Recovery a Non - Profit substance abuse and mental health provider in the region.
2025 Honorees
Jane Marie Whiting was awarded the first ever "Patron Saint" award for her diligence and stewardship of both our Choir and for serving as our point person for the Renovation project.
Our sub-deacons were recognized for their selfless sacrifices of time, energy, and talent, and their dedication to our Parish.
Officers - Sr. Warden - Curt Haberbosch | Jr. Warden - Tom Samples | Treasurer - Marshall Santy | Secretary - (non-voting) Janine Johnson
Postulant (Deaconate) - Tom Samples
Members at Large - Jane Marie Whiting | Jessica Henderson | Marta Von Loewenfeldt | Peter Thomas
Chair - Rector, Fr. Brad Mathias
St. Margaret’s first clergy was Reverend Herman Nelson, an Episcopal priest, who was officiating for a few mission churches in New Hampshire at the time. Reverend Bruce Chamberlain also assisted in conducting services and in 1980 a formal invitation was made to him to become rector. He was very instrumental in the search for a permanent location and the construction of our church buildings. He was also actively involved the formation of the Diocese of the Northeast. Reverend Chamberlain and several laymen were responsible for the development of the Canons of the D.N.E. and also the By-Laws for St. Margaret Parish. Reverend Chamberlain became Bishop of the Northeast on October 18, 1986, and as a result, St. Margaret of Scotland Anglican Church became the Pro-Cathedral of the Diocese and remained so until 1999 when Bishop Chamberlain retired.
During the years between 1986 and 1991, the diocese and the parish grew and Bishop Chamberlain found it difficult to adequately serve both. The Bishop called Reverend Angelo D’Onofrio from Haverhill, New Hampshire, to assist at the parish. Fr. D’Onofrio has a doctorate in psychology, had many years experience, and became our rector in 1991. Fr. D’Onofrio was also The Memorial Hospital chaplain in North Conway, chaplain for hospice and frequently worked with AA groups in the community. He served as our rector from 1991 to 2004, at which time he became Rector Emeritus until his retirement in 2006.
Upon graduation from Nashotah House Seminary in July 1997, Fr. Jeffrey Swayze joined our church family as our curate. He worked with Fr. D’Onofrio until July 2002 when he became our rector. As our curate and then as rector he assumed the role of hospice chaplain and also instituted a popular and successful Bible study group both at St. Margaret’s and also at the Gibson Center for Senior Services. Fr. Swayze served as rector from 2002 to 2006 and resigned in February 2006 for personal reasons. Father James Davis served as interim rector in 2006.
In July of 2007, the Rev. Michael P. Sclafani was called as the 4th Rector of St. Margaret’s. Formerly involved in Law Enforcement, Fr. Sclafani served until 2008 when he accepted a call to a parish in California. Fr. Kevin LaMarre was appointed by Bishop Marsh in 2008 as interim Rector and served until November of 2009 when the Rev. Jeffrey W. Monroe was appointed as Vicar by the Bishop. He began his service to the parish on Advent 1, November 29, 2009. In June of 2010, Fr. Monroe was issued a call by the parish to become its full time Rector. He was formally installed as the fifth Rector at St. Margaret’s on November 14, 2010. Fr. Monroe retired in 2020 to South Carolina.
Fr. Brad Mathias attended Life School of Ministry in Nashville TN before entering the ministry full time in 2009. Since then he has served as co-founder and Rector of Four Winds Anglican Church in Spring Hill TN. Fr Brad has been active in Christian media and youth ministry for the past two decades and brings a unique perspective to the traditional Anglican church with a heart to reach the next generation of Christian believers. Fr. Brad served as Curate to St. Margaret’s for a year before transitioning to Assistant Rector and was appointed as full time Rector in the fall of 2020. Fr. Mathias is the sixth serving Rector at St. Margaret’s Parish and serves the Diocese of the Northeast as Canon to the Bishop Ordinary. Fr Brad is currently enrolled at St Bede’s Anglican Catholic Theological College in Vancouver, BC. pursuing post graduate studies in Continuing Anglican History and Theology.
Sub - Deacons
Thomas Samples | Marshall Santy | Curtis Haberbosch